First few days in Moshi

A quick note, just to explain why I’m in Moshi and how it’s going so far. I’m here for a few weeks to do a piece of work with an organisation called Equity for Tanzania (EFTA). EFTA is a social enterprise which makes loans to small businesses and farmers enabling them to buy equipment/machinery to support… Continue reading First few days in Moshi

A beginner’s guide to the Masai

On my trip to the Mara recently, i got to see around one of the surrounding Masai villages. A brief glimpse one morning isn’t going to give me any real insight into a culture that’s such a world away from my own experience. But here are a few things I learned from the visit, that you might find interesting:

The Dust of Africa

There’s apparently a proverb that says you can’t wash the dust of Africa off your feet. Looking at my laptop, I realise just how dusty a place Kenya is in October. My camera, my phone, my clothes, my shoes – everything seems to have developed a layer of grime that’s gradually getting permanently worn in.… Continue reading The Dust of Africa

Will they pay back?

This is one of the most common questions I get, when I explain the concept of Kiva to people.  And it’s an understandable response: isn’t lending money to individual borrowers, living in poverty thousands of miles away, enormously risky?  How do you ever get the money back? If you look at the Kiva website, you… Continue reading Will they pay back?

Binga and the Batonga

My borrower visits in the past couple of weeks took me up to the northernmost regions of Zimbabwe, to the district of Binga, straddling the Zambezi River and the Zambian border. Binga is a six hour journey north of Bulawayo, a completely straight road with only one single junction (when you’ve got only one turn-off to… Continue reading Binga and the Batonga